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Canadian National Parks – Day 2


7/18/24 – We were able to execute the plan we concocted on our first visit to the Lake Louise area…we parked near the bike trail, rode about 3 miles to the lake, locked our bikes up, did the 10-mile roundtrip Plain of Six Glaciers hike, and then biked back to the truck.  We were tired after the hike so we were happy the bike back was 99% downhill! 

Lake Louise (in Banff NP) has a unique color
Near the end of our hike up: The view back to the lake
There was a tea house near the top, which we visited
The local Clark's Nutcracker also likes their snacks. Here he is leaving with some butter!

At the top. We heard a deep thump occasionally and believe it was the glacier/ice/show shifting in the heat

7/19/24 – Drove 6 hours, back into the US and to Stanford, Montana, where we plan to check Montana off of our “half marathon in every state” list. 

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1 commentaire

28 juil. 2024

Sounds great to meet the couple with dogs and 2 frogs etc. Yikes. Not my type of travel companions.

Your trip still sounds great. 😊

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