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Montana and North Dakota


7/20/24 - We completed a half marathon (13.1 miles) in Stanford, Montana...our 28th state. Only 22 to go! This was officially the SMALLEST race with only 12 of us!!

We saw lots of fields and a few curious cows on our run

The town was having its annual rodeo the next day, so after dinner, we walked around the grounds where we saw the calves get unloaded from the truck and an art auction (see if you can understand what the auctioneer is saying in the video below!).

He never did come to take my offering

7/21/24 - Drove east across Montana to Medora, near Theodore Roosevelt National Park, on the west side of North Dakota.

Our RV park is right across the Little Missouri River from Theodore Roosevelt NP
A couple (from Osh Kosh, WI) showed up in their motorhome with 8 rescues (6 dogs, 1 cockatoo, 1 tortoise) and 2 frogs!

7/22/24 - After visiting the cabin that Theodore Roosevelt stayed in while he lived in the area, we used the scenic drive through the park to look at scenery and for animals.

TRNP has LOTS of prairie dogs/towns
We saw a herd of 6 wild horses

We also saw quite a few bison. This video shows one giving Pat the side-eye as he walks by our vehicle!

The Little Missouri running through TRNP

We didn't see much else and it was 90F so we kept our visit to the park fairly short.

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